What can Integral Coaching be used for?

As the Integral approach integrates so many perspectives it can be used to develop many aspects of peoples lives such as:

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Relationships
  • Team Building
  • Career Development
  • Finding Purpose

What is it not suitable for?

Coaching makes an assumption that the client has a certain level of “health” so for example it would not be suitable for:

  • Trauma
  • Addiction
  • Depression

these would be areas that would be more suitable for a qualified therapist.

Detailed below are the some of the main differences between coaching and therapy.


The intention of a coach is to identify the client’s future based point of development, present position in relation to the area the client wants to develop, identify the gaps and enable the client to develop the capacity and capabilities to take the necessary actions. This focus is on learning and development in that a problem does not, necessarily, have to exist for the client to want to develop. Work may, or may not include solving a pre-existing “problem”.


The intention of the therapist is to heal or treat problems (past/present) that the client has. The focus of their intention is based on a medical/treatment model in that a problem exists that is damaging, or restricting a person’s mental and/or physical health. Therefore they will work with the client/patient to fully explore the problem, identify the underlying cause and provide a medical, treatment based solution. This may, or may not include movement toward a future learning and development goal.